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Darlington Borough Council

Question: would you be able to put more police and cameras around neighbour hoods because many things have been stolen from my house such as the lead 2 cars 3 bikes and many more things

Asked by andrew to Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee on 12 Oct 2010 in Categories: .

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  • Photo: Lee VaseyLee Vasey answered on 12 Oct 2010:

    Do you know in my ward at Eastbourne when we came up with the idea of CCTV on a housing estate many people did not want that ‘big brother type influence’. Nowadays the streets that refused to have them are crying out for them like you because not only does it help the police in crime detection it also helps with crime protection. It is so expensive to set up and I cannot see any new money for this kind of project for a few years yet. So Sorry.



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