Question: Well we need more activities for younger under 16′s. could you also reduce the costs in the Dolphin Centre and other places? :D
Asked by beccatunstall to Alex, Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee on 11 Oct 2010 in Categories: Local Facilities.
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What kind of activities were you looking for, have you tried the climbing wall? I am sorry that the costs are too expensive for you in the Dolphin centre but we do try to be fair.
Are you an Artspark member? What sort of activities were you thinking of – if I know what activities young people want then we can always look into the feasibilty/avaialability of things to do.
I approached the Dolphin Centre yesterday to do a happy hour where all things in the centre could be £1 for the hour, I will get an answer after the managers have discussed them
We already have lots of things going on if you look about you, but i understand that a lot of them cost money. The Dolphin Centre already cost us a lot to run. There is the Darlington card which means you can get something off and I know if the past we have had various schemes. The council will be looking again at charges for everyone and there may be a way to make things cheaper. I’ll try to find out.