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Darlington Borough Council

Question: I've been wondering, how would you decrease the amount of people in the area taking drugs and smoking?

Asked by abbs to Alex, Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee on 11 Oct 2010 in Categories: .

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  • Photo: Alex NicholsonAlex Nicholson answered on 7 Oct 2010:

    I think people need to report drugs and young people need shocktactic lessons to make them aware of the dangers. Teenagers seem to want to rebel therefore real stories may help put them off. I was put off as my friend’s dad died when she was young from smoking – young people need to stand against people who try to persude them to smoke and/or take drugs.


  • Photo: Lee VaseyLee Vasey answered on 7 Oct 2010:

    It takes people to report the dealers who sell drugs and even cheap cigarettes. There are more people than we
    know who get caught and end up in prison. I went to a few drug busts with the police and they are getting more succesful in
    catching the criminals who commit these types of crimes


  • Photo: Kate DaviesKate Davies answered on 7 Oct 2010:

    Thats a tough question and I suppose its through education about making smart choices. Lifes winners do not smoke or take drugs, think perhaps of people you admire in life (not pop stars they are not a particularly good example for healthy living 🙂 ) but sports stars like David Beckham and Frank Lampard, they don’t smoke or take drugs.

    Smoking is very bad for you and it makes you smell unpleasant and its expensive and it makes your skin wrinkly before it should be and it makes your teeth yellow and quite frankly it doesn’t actually solve anything, it won’t make you feel good about yourself, it is just a drug that fools you into thinking its great to keep you hooked. So don’t start its not smart!

    Drugs are more simple, stop giving people drugs on the NHS to try and convince them that drugs aren’t good for them!! Help people who want to give up by giving them couselling and support and the rest of them should be treated like criminals because thats after all what they are!

    So they key really is education and showing young people the right path to leading healthy and sucessful lives.


  • Photo: Joe LyonetteJoe Lyonette answered on 7 Oct 2010:

    That’s a huge question and I wish I had a miracle cure. Drugs, smoking and alcohol are a massive problem throughout the world and although Darlington does have a problem, it isn’t anywhere near as bad as it is in some parts of our country. The council works with many different agencies to provide support in getting people off drugs and i will always support this work. Unfotrunately we may be too late for some people so I think that the best way is to educate younger children about the dangers surrounding drug addiction.


  • Photo: Anne-Marie CurryAnne-Marie Curry answered on 7 Oct 2010:

    I think there are a number of ways we can decrease the numbers. educate, put prices up, get more information to the police and make it so uncool to do drugs or smoke.


  • Photo: Dorothy LongDorothy Long answered on 11 Oct 2010:

    I would legalise drugs. I think smoking is decreasing now anyway. When i was your age nearly everyone smoked, now it’s only about 25%.



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