Question: Do you think it's fair that young kids get so bad press because of a few minorities and is there anytihng you can do to stop this bad press ( or stop them putting or teenagers into this bad group) ???
Asked by imyhoppy to Alex, Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee on 11 Oct 2010 in Categories: Youth issues. This question was also asked by sammiew91.
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No I don’t think it is fair, it is the media who highlight all the negatives – we need to promote and publicise all the positive and try to overshadow negativity.
Its people like us councillors involved in this democracy malarky that are
trying our very best to tell people how clued up and cool young people are.
Most people are aware that it is the tiny majority that make it bad for everyone.
I think people like Pete Baron the editor of the Northern Echo (who has children himself)
tries particulary hard not to demonise young people and I think that his paper on the whole is
fair to kids today.
I think the press tend to concentrate on bad things because thats what helps sell papers. I think we need to get far more stories about the good things the youbg people of Darlington do. I know the Northern Echo will print those types of stories. I know there are a lot of great kidsout there and not many bad ones.
yes that is something I do all the time when talking to people. I don’t know why people think its ok to have blanket view about people. Would it be acceptable to say that all old people smell of cabbage? No there would be an outcry so why should we let people get away of with making assumptions about the young people of the Borough. Its all about pushing the message and challenging misconceptions, I do it and you must all do it too. After all everyone is young once (well apart from those people who were knitted when they were 30!!)
No, I think that it’s totally unfair how the national press portray young people in this country today, they tend to focus on all of the bad things that the small minority get up to. It really sickens me when young people are referred to as scum and out of control. On a more positive note I think that the Nortern Echo does a pretty good job of highlighting some of the success stories about teenagers in our region. In my role as a councillor I am continually trying to get people to understand that young people need respect and that the problems really are caused by a tiny minority.
I do think it’s unfair, I know how great most kids are and how talented. The council tries to help this by working with the Northern Echo to publicise the achievements of young people and I know the schools try to get good publicity too. We also run the annual Vibes awards which is a big event which celebrates what young people have done that year.