Question: could you put a 3g pitch in hurworth if you win the money plz
Asked by katles1234 to Alex, Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee on 11 Oct 2010 in Categories: Local Facilities.
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Keeping the pitches that we have is very expensive and the council is trying to reduce the costs we have. There is not much money around for new pitches at the moment.. I am sorry.
sorry to disappoint you, there is no money! whoever wins this contest will try to help young people in the Borough. Otherwise – it’s only the satisfaction of winning. Sorry!
If I get the money I would put that on the list for people to vote for what they want. It is a really good idea.
Sorry but we don’t win any money in this competition, if I did have lots of money for play areas I would be happy to build a pitch in Hurworth.