I think that each community should have a meeting place and a budget each year to develop things that they want to see happen in their area. This happens in some areas not all. I would like kids in each community to have a say on what they want. If some communities that are close to each other want to pool their money to get something better between them I think that could work to. We could have community run gardens where food could be grown and everyone in the community share it. Also if communities get together they can apply for extra money from the lottery and from Europe to do things.
if i get re-elected next May, I would go on trying to help people in my ward, Northgate, get the best deal they can, the best services from the best Council in the North East.
I am part of my local ward partnership meetings, listen and work with my ward residents to help and resolve their issues. I am also a teacher in Staindrop Yr 4 and a mum so I am kept fairly busy.
As a ward councillor I’m always trying new things to try and get a response from my ward residents to find out what their issues and concerns are.
I think that each community should have a meeting place and a budget each year to develop things that they want to see happen in their area. This happens in some areas not all. I would like kids in each community to have a say on what they want. If some communities that are close to each other want to pool their money to get something better between them I think that could work to. We could have community run gardens where food could be grown and everyone in the community share it. Also if communities get together they can apply for extra money from the lottery and from Europe to do things.
if i get re-elected next May, I would go on trying to help people in my ward, Northgate, get the best deal they can, the best services from the best Council in the North East.
Is there a specific community that you are asking about?
I am part of my local ward partnership meetings, listen and work with my ward residents to help and resolve their issues. I am also a teacher in Staindrop Yr 4 and a mum so I am kept fairly busy.
As a ward councillor I’m always trying new things to try and get a response from my ward residents to find out what their issues and concerns are.