Question: totally random, but what's you're favourite word? Mine is Antidisestablishmentarianism!
Asked by beccatunstall to Alex, Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee on 8 Oct 2010 in Categories: About. This question was also asked by borna55555.
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I like effervescent for some reason…
Mine is successfully succinct…… ha ha I love all words actually
My favorite word is opsyclymetrical, it does’t actually mean anything but I like the sound of it!
That word is toooo big to be my favourite. I think my favourite word is “Yes” I know I am on a winner when I hear that word. 🙂
Yes, i love that too – any idea what it means? Incidentally there is a word which is longer – it is this
flaucinaucinihilipilification. – it means to underestimate, or do something down, I think so anyway, llok it up maybe!
My favourite word is ‘delight’