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Darlington Borough Council

Question: Why do people not cheeck the cameras in our area because people do naughty things under the camera and never get caught it not really fair

Asked by lmilne to Alex, Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee on 7 Oct 2010 in Categories: .

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  • Photo: Anne-Marie CurryAnne-Marie Curry answered on 7 Oct 2010:

    The cameras images are all sent to one room, there is staff there who glance over the screens. If they see something suspicious they will contact the police. But there are a lot of screens to check. If someone contacts the police they will check the footage from the cameras for evidence. So the fact these people have not been caught yet does not mean they won’t in the future.


  • Photo: Lee VaseyLee Vasey answered on 7 Oct 2010:

    The cameras are monitored 24hrs a day 7 days a week 365 days a year. I visit in the CCTV room often and there are many monitors. The detection rates of crimes with these cameras are quite high and the police use the footage to prosecute many criminals in the town. Because of the cameras car crime per year in Darlington is very minimal, you could probably count on one hand the criminals trying to offend. They are also very handy for catching shoplifters as the stores in town depend on their detection. I have them on the estate I represent and they have been very useful in catching people speeding, illegal motorbikes and burglary to name a few.


  • Photo: Dorothy LongDorothy Long answered on 7 Oct 2010:

    What a fascinating question. I’d no idea the cameras were so easy to evade. On the other hand good behaviour should not depend on who or what is watching you. It makes me sad that we seem to rely on CCTV like a sort of constant policeman or a conscience. if you think it’s unfair that some people get away with things, maybe you could make sure they get caught if you disagree with what they are doing by giving information? (it can be done anonymously you know).


  • Photo: Alex NicholsonAlex Nicholson answered on 7 Oct 2010:

    Tell us which area and when and I’ll pass on the information to the police toi investigate. The police need people to report incidents and then they can take action.



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