Question: Being a counciler, what would you do about cars travelling on the road causing polution? Due to the fact that when I walk to school I breath in all the car fumes.
Asked by abbs
to Lee, Kate, Joe, Dot, Alex on 7 Oct 2010 in Categories: Transport.
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I think this is a very difficult question, I think more children should walk or go by bus to school. More people should work closer to home so they don’t travel too far. My husband works in Gateshead, bought a smart car and also got it converted to autogas so he pollutes less. Autogas and electric cars need to be more affordable so people can afford to change their cars. Buses I’m afraid are not flexible enough therefore we need individuals to take more responsibility for their carbon footprint
I would love to get everyone out of cars walking or getting on public transport but been trying for years
and it is just not happening. How do you think we can motivate people?????