Questions in category 'General questions'
When i go into town i see quite a few empty old shops covered in graffiti that are not being used, what would you do to by emily1 to Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee Category: General. Comments: (No comments so far)
What things about the council are you unhappy with and would like to change? by xabbeeex to Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee Category: General. Comments: (No comments so far)
What do you think of Barack Obama??? by xabbeeex to Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee Category: General. Comments: (No comments so far)
how would you make darlington a better place for children ? by oliviabass and 1 other. to Kate, Lee, Joe, Dot, Anne-M Category: General. Comments: (No comments so far)
what is the best school you have visited so far? by adsy123 and 1 other. to Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee Category: General. Comments: (No comments so far)
What are you going to do about the GIANT KILLER SPIDERS that have taken over the school? by michael8110 to Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee Category: General. Comments: (No comments so far)
which school does the best school dinners by danny3110 to Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee Category: General. Comments: (So far, one comment)
what would you do if you were walking down the street and you heard a box moaning and it was a bunch of puppies ??? by xxamyxx to Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee Category: General. Comments: (so far, 3 comments)
There’s a lot of job cuts, How do you try to helpp thiss ?? :P by lmcdonough to Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee Category: General. Comments: (So far, one comment)
how come my nanna and mum and a lot of grown-ups i know say that the goverment and council are a waste of space? also by sclews to Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee Category: General. Comments: (so far, 4 comments)
Recent Comments
- It's down to the final two in I'm a Councillor (1 comments)
- Tell us what you want! (2 comments)
- why do darlington borough council stop old people using their bus passes before 9:30am this is unfair because old (1 comments)
- And the winner is... (3 comments)
- 2 of u have said ur on something called Scrutiny Committee -what do they do? (1 comments)
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