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Darlington Borough Council

Question: What do you think about smoking and cocaine?

Asked by ndrew123 to Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee on 13 Oct 2010 in Categories: .

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  • Photo: Lee VaseyLee Vasey answered on 13 Oct 2010:

    Not much


  • Photo: Joe LyonetteJoe Lyonette answered on 13 Oct 2010:

    Drugs of any kind are a huge problem worldwide and cost governments around the world many millions of pounds in trying to solve. Tobacco is a drug and smoking it is just as addictive as many of the illegal drugs such as cocaine and heroin, it also causes huge health problems and thousands of people die each year in this country from smoking it. Please don’t ever be tempted to try it, it’s very easy to get hooked on any drugs and trying to stop can be very difficult.


  • Photo: Kate DaviesKate Davies answered on 13 Oct 2010:

    bad and really bad and people who do either are fools!



  • Photo: 1211fiona1211fiona commented on 13 Oct 2010:

    it is bad for you and you should no do it


  • Photo: LeeLee commented on 14 Oct 2010:

    Fiona a great amount of funding in the health service is from trying to treat the illnessess and diseases from smoking and cocaine. Like lung cancer and mental health issues…..


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