Question: why do darlington borough council stop old people using their bus passes before 9:30am this is unfair because old people might have an important places to go to before 9:30 am or taking grandchildren to school in the morning? what is the point of having this as you have tried this before.
Asked by babychick to Joe, Kate, Lee on 14 Oct 2010 in Categories: Transport.
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No one is stopping older people using the bus just their pass before 9.30. The council has to pay the bus companies to subsidise the pass before 9.30. The bus company asks for a subsidy because before 9.30 is their busiest time. The council cannot now afford to pay this subsidy so the bus company does not allow the pass to be used before 9.30.
Darlington council has to pay the bus company to allow older people to use the bus free before 9 30 am. This government is forcing the council to make some awful cuts in the money that they spend and this is just one of them…it’s not going to get much better in the near future!!