Question: why are you not improving the parks? everyone says that if you improve the parks they would get trashed... but if you look at the south park it is the best (new improved things) the south park is very good because they are people that work in the south park so it wont get trashed because they know they are being supper vised. face the truth think about it, the people who are trashing the parks are bord if you improve them they wont get trashed the people will be amused... so please help improve or improve the parks... PLEASE
Asked by gemgem to Lee, Kate, Joe, Dot on 13 Oct 2010 in Categories: Local Facilities. This question was also asked by aliciaj.
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South Park is brilliant and millions of pounds were spent through mostly external funding to bring it back to the victorian beauty it was. North Park has had some upgrading with a cycle run, \bandstand and new playpark area. There is the new West Park and that is also children friendly. Tommy Crooks park has new play equipment as has a dozen other parks. So yes we are improving our parks, we would have been doing more but the funding that we had for groundwork to do those was taken back by the new government.