Question: the most fun you have had you replied 'Laughed through a earthquake in Palm Srings this year'!!!!! why!!!!!!!!?
Asked by borna55555 to Lee on 13 Oct 2010 in Categories: About.
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Well we were sharing a house with a pool with my sister in Palm Springs. Niece and Nephew were in the pool with Michael my brother in law Husband John was in the bubbly thing cause he had hurt his back (cant spell jacuuzi) and I was bringing cold drinks out of the house. My grandson Josh was inside watching some cartoons on the telly. All of a sudden there was this earthquake 5.9 of it and I heard some crashing in the house…. My grandson came running out the house like a whippet and accused us of forgetting him when the house was falling down. At first it was frightening but as the day unfolded it became quite hysterical. There was some art in the house, not to our taste, we had been refering to it as iconic art. It had fallen over on its plinth and had broken. We took some pictures and posted it onto CNN. It was on the news every 10 minutes about us holiday people and what happened in the house. We ended up being glued to the news for a lot of the day!!!! Really you had to be there…..