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Darlington Borough Council

Question: how did you get involved in being a counciler

Asked by sammy to Lee, Kate, Joe, Dot, Anne-M on 13 Oct 2010 in Categories: .

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  • Photo: Lee VaseyLee Vasey answered on 13 Oct 2010:

    You just get pulled into it. My dad is a councillor in Sunderland and he will not be standing next year he will be 78. Being part of the Labour Party is like being part of a big family, we may not agree about everything but we do agree about most.


  • Photo: Joe LyonetteJoe Lyonette answered on 13 Oct 2010:

    I come from a long line of labour councillors so i guess you could say that it’s in my blood. My great aunt was the first female mayor of Darlington ( there’s even a road named after her in Haughton), my great uncle Micheal was a councillor and the mayor, my mum was a councillor for a while and my dad has been the mayor and has been a councillor in Haughton for over 30 years.



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