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Darlington Borough Council

Question: A few areas can be quite rough in darlington is there anything you can do to stop people from being to territorial in these areas?

Asked by katielynn to Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee on 13 Oct 2010 in Categories: .

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  • Photo: Lee VaseyLee Vasey answered on 13 Oct 2010:

    Being safe and part of a group can also be quite territorial, but we need these things to feel more safe. It is a shame that the perception from people that some find anothers actions snobby and the other rough I am sure that there must be some common ground somewhere????


  • Photo: Joe LyonetteJoe Lyonette answered on 13 Oct 2010:

    Being terrritorial in your area is something that goes back through the ages, probably back to caveman times. In some ways it shows that you are proud of your area and you don’t want anyone to destroy it, but it can lead to people setting up gangs and that tends to lead to violence and crime. Some activities such as sport are great ways of bringing people from different areas together and I will always support groups of young people who want to get involved.



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