Question: how would you improve the local eduction in darlington?
Asked by hannahwhite to Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee on 12 Oct 2010 in Categories: Education. This question was also asked by misscockburn.
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I want to see better support and monitoring of schools that are looked after by the council so that we can see early on where things are going wrong and get support in place and not wait until Ofsted arrive and tell us.
Give teachers more freedom to plan exciting lessons and to do that they need less paperwork to prepare and less government involvement.
The government set the targets that the schools have to adhere too. Children and Young People scrutiny committee do look at target setting and other interesting stuff that goes on in school so there is already people who scrutinise local education. Mind you with schools like Hurworth and Carmel it would be difficult to improve on what they have! Longfield are going from strength to strength al that is needed is some BSF money!!!! (I do not mean to upset anyone’s school by leaving them out)