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Darlington Borough Council

Question: How will you help the enviroment? Would you try to stop the high ueseage of cars and moter bikes and try to encourage people to ride bikes, walk and use the bus?

Asked by ellispeacock to Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee on 12 Oct 2010 in Categories: .

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  • Photo: Anne-Marie CurryAnne-Marie Curry answered on 12 Oct 2010:

    Today I cycled to the town Hall. I think better cycle paths, and hire bikes could help. I lived in Holland for a few years and nearly everyone had a bike. It is a very eco way to travel. So Cycling needs a bigger profile to halp save the workd deffinitly.


  • Photo: Lee VaseyLee Vasey answered on 12 Oct 2010:

    We have tried to help more people to use the bus by making bus only lanes and do pay a premium to bus companies so that they use bus routes that they would not normally use. Children tend to use buses more because they cannot drive, maybe in the future things like single person in a car may be premium taxed. Perhaps we might have to use other such initiatives.



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