Question: Do you think that children and teenagers should do more to help charities, such as Help for the Heros?
Asked by rebeccaparkinson1 to Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee on 12 Oct 2010 in Categories: Youth issues.
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Yes, I think we’re all in this together
The answer is yes but not just young people, we all need to get involved in our communities both local and national. The Big Society is a good idea and it will help to mend broken Britain. Don’t get me wrong I don’t think the whole country is broken but some parts are, particularly in the community where I live.
I think if you can afford to that is really good. One of the things I like to see is when children fet involved in a big fundraising activity. that way you invest time to get money for the charities.
I think children do a lot for different kinds of charities already. Remember coming soon is the time when we remember the people who have died for our country. On November the 14th Rememberance Sunday we remember them. Children get visited in their schools and colleges by the Mayor and poppies are sold. There are many other events that children do, like mufti days , maybe we dont talk about it much as helping can sometimes be understated. Just think what stuff your school supports you would be surprised!