Question: There are a lot of loose dogs around. Why don’t we see dog wardens anymore? Can we have a dog park?
Asked by gjohnson to Alex, Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee on 11 Oct 2010 in Categories: Local Facilities. This question was also asked by epiers, jwhite, eanderson, bbates, clittlefair, ljackson.
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There is certainly dog wardens and if I am told about dogs running loose I report it to the wardens.
I have only seen one dog alone in the last six months where I live. You have not said where you live?
The council is trying to save cost and does not have any spare money at the moment to build new parks.
There are lots of rules about when dogs can be on a lead and when not and stufflike that, i know. Not sure what you mean by a dog park? There are dog wardens, but probably only 2, I think (not sure about this). I’m glad you are concerned though.
The dog wardens do go out especially if you report a dog on the loose. The police no longer do it though.
I have to say that I haven’t noticed too many stray dogs in our area. I think that the council only has two dog wardens who will round up stray dogs if they see them. we are struggling to keep our people parks at the moment so a dog park may be way down the list.