Transport in Darlington is a private company. We have no control over the costs that the bus company charge.
The council is having problems with trying to have enough money so that people do not lose their jobs at the moment and
trying to protect our front line services, but we do try to bring up peoples concerns to the bus companies
This is really more of a national question than a local one. The council was hoping that there would be a Tees Valley metro – a light railway connecting Stockton, Middlesbrough Hartlepool and Redcar, but perhaps there will not be enough money now.
Transport in Darlington is a private company. We have no control over the costs that the bus company charge.
The council is having problems with trying to have enough money so that people do not lose their jobs at the moment and
trying to protect our front line services, but we do try to bring up peoples concerns to the bus companies
Arriva unfortunately make most of these decisions – what routes do you think would be useful?
Transport can be improved, could you tell me the places you would like to go?
This is really more of a national question than a local one. The council was hoping that there would be a Tees Valley metro – a light railway connecting Stockton, Middlesbrough Hartlepool and Redcar, but perhaps there will not be enough money now.