Question: what do you think on the issue of teens hanging out infront of the town hall? i am 13 and i hang there with my friends and its really fun because we use our bikes and we dont bother anyone yet we get moved along i know kate said she didnt mind it but i want to know your opinions??
Asked by cherryselfishmuch to Alex, Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee on 8 Oct 2010 in Categories: Youth issues.
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I have passed you many times when you have been at the town Hall on an evening, I don’t know who you are but I go past there three or four times a week, so I have passed you. I have no problems, but I do know the police moved young people on because they were hanging around the road to the car park and will have thought that was dangereous. I am happy to talk to the police, but I do know most of them will only move you on if they think you are being a nuisance or may be acting in a dangerous way like standing in the middle of the road. Or fun fighting right next to the road which is quite frightning to drivers because if you fall in the road they may hit you with their car.
I like to see the bikes and skateboarders outside the Town hall when I go in for a meeting.- but perhaps I’m in a minority – I’m not just seeking popularity by saying this, I really do like watching you all, I think the skills are amazing (I’ve seen in south park too, they’re really good). I think it’s OK if there are not too many, but perhaps when it’s stopping people going in to the Town Hall that’s when complaints are made.
I dont mind young people hanging around the Town Hall, it is an open space prime for skateboarding and hanging out with your mates. I quite enjoy seeing young people having a good time. I am sorry that some people seem to be intolerant against young people. It is an insecure thing, some people who see YP in a group have it in their mind that they are up to no good and are just waiting to damage peoperty, this is a tolerance issue. It can be difficult when there are people milling about and frightened about being hit but I think that you only use this space when it is quiet and when staff have gone home.
I would love to develop the front of the Town Hall further with more ramps for boarders to utilise. It is a great place to hang out as it is a fairly open space, it doesn’t affect any residents and you are normally there evenings when the town is fairly quiet.