Question: do you think it's fair that old people are being told they can work past 65 years old and unemployement is a big problem at the moment,,, Isnt this just going to make it worse ???? what are your views ?? Doesnt this mean the problem will just get worse ???
Asked by imyhoppy to Alex, Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee on 8 Oct 2010 in Categories: General.
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I know this sounds a bit odd, but it is being done in the interests of being fair to all age groups. some people don’t have very good pensions and really need to go on working. Usually the people over 65 have jobs which demand a lot of experience and responsibility and wouldn’t be open to younger people anyway. The best thing would be for younger people to learn by working alongside the older ones. In the end, we need a stronger economy which will offer more jobs in total.
Well I think it is what is called catch 22. If people work till they are older, then they will keep or take jobs. If they retire at 60 we will not be able to afford pensions for people of my age when I retire never mind when you retire. So if they retire I will have to work till I am 70 and you will have to work till you are 75 or 80. Which option would you prefer?
I entirely agree with you. It is just a ruse to not pay pensions at 65. It is quite logical that one person retires
another gets a job. It is the natural progression of things. I have heard it said that there is more people over
60 in Darlington than under 18. I think if people want to work past 65 that is up to them but to force people to do so is entirely a different matter.
I have just had a pension letter telling me I have to work till I’m 67….
If people want to carry on working I think that is fine – maybe they need the money and also it is a social aspect to their life – I think I’d quite like to carry on doning something when I’m older. Unemployment may be a problem however I don’t think age should be the factor making decisions on employment – some jobs are more tailored for young people and vice versa.