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Darlington Borough Council

Question: So far in your life as a councillor, what has been the hardest question that youve been asked by us teens to answer???

Asked by shivs96 to Alex, Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee on 7 Oct 2010 in Categories: .

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  • Photo: Lee VaseyLee Vasey answered on 7 Oct 2010:

    Why do the police and PCSO’s move us on when we are doing nothing wrong. We are just talking to our friends and catching up with news?


  • Photo: Dorothy LongDorothy Long answered on 7 Oct 2010:

    It’s always hard to explain why we can’t just go ahead and provide lots of differnt things like skateboard parks and music festivals and sports facilities to satisfy everyone’s different interests. The way these things are done involves money but it also demands the explanation of different political and social attitudes and that gets very complicated. Lots of young people switch off before councillors reach the end of these explanations and i really don’t blame them if they do!!!


  • Photo: Alex NicholsonAlex Nicholson answered on 7 Oct 2010:

    I think how to make Darlington better for teenagers is quite tricky as when I was a teenager I lived in Merrybent but had great parents who took me to lots of things – dance classes, rock climbing, guides, school productions and I enjoyed all these things. Different teenagers want dfifferent things – trying to make everyone happy is difficult and usually the youths who give suggestions are not the ones who have nothing to do.


  • Photo: Anne-Marie CurryAnne-Marie Curry answered on 7 Oct 2010:

    What do you think about conntive? I found this very obsure.



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