Councillor do not get paid but do have an allowance and basic allowances are published
every year in the Northern Echo. It is just under £8,ooo pounds a year and councillors get
extra allowances for more responsibility.
For 2009./ 20010 the councillor basic allowance was £8,026.92. But for that I can be on call any day of the week. I have had phone calls for help at 8pm on a Sunday evening before.
Councillor do not get paid but do have an allowance and basic allowances are published
every year in the Northern Echo. It is just under £8,ooo pounds a year and councillors get
extra allowances for more responsibility.
Councillors get about £7000 per year. this covers all expenses, travel, phone bills etc etc.
For 2009./ 20010 the councillor basic allowance was £8,026.92. But for that I can be on call any day of the week. I have had phone calls for help at 8pm on a Sunday evening before.
I think it’s about £ 7,900 a year
I get £500 per month about £6000 per year after tax.