Question: what would you do to improve the school education?
Asked by emily1
to Lee, Joe, Alex, Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Alex, Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate on 6 Oct 2010 in Categories: Education. This question was also asked by tigger2, dombuckley, robman, lucybrooklyn.
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Its obvious because you asked me because you must think yours needs improving.
What would you like to see improved?
Make you come to school on Saturdays!!!! lol
I would like school education to be more fun. I would like teachers to have a bit more freedom to plan really good lessons that will make school more fun. I would not have you starting school until you were 7. I would make lessons start at 8:30 on a morning and finish at 4 but have Friday afternoons off. I would have common rooms in schools so you could hang out on rainy days. I would support the new diplomas that are coming out as not everyone wants 12 GCSE but want a trade skill. I could go on and on.
Without extra money, that is a difficult question. I would like to see schools open longer so that children could pursue other interests and do more sport and so on, but that would need parents and other volunteers to help. I think using the arts in education is beneficial, it stimulates the imagination and helps people be more creative.
Make sure teachers are motivated to teach inspiring lessons and ensure children are aware of opportunities that they would like to be involved in – life skills not just academic.