Question: what is the worst part of darlighton for youth effenders?
Asked by lucybrooklyn to Alex, Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee on 6 Oct 2010 in Categories: Youth issues.
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Much of youth offending is diverted to other agencies which take care of criminal or potential
criminal activities. This means that minor crime is nipped in the bud before it gets out of control.
You are probably interested in anti social behaviour which is more difficult to police when there
are large amounts of people involved. I chair the PACT (police and communities together) in my ward
and we keep a careful eye on crime and anti social behaviour.
I don’t know, I’m afraid. Youth offending has actually been less of a problem lately because we have what is called a ‘Youth Offending Team’ which works with young people who just might get into trouble and that has been really successful
I honestly don’t know so I wouldn’t like to blame a specific area. Do you have problems with youth offenders where you live?
Schools (lol) I think there are little pockets of youth offenders around Darlington but I don’t think it is everywhere. I do know that when young people want to cause a bit of mischief they move to some other part of Darlington to where they live, so it can move.