Worked for British Rail all around the region on computers since 1974.
Worked in a Parcel Office, Telegraph Office, Booking Office and putting up wages
before people got paid by BACCS. Have worked in my friends pub. I have been a magistrate for 20 years.
School Governor for 20 years and a councillor for 14 years.
That is a good question. Let me see if I remember all of them. Waitress, Barmaid, factory worker, admin assistant, admin officer, buyer for a govermnet department, contract manager, purchase ledger clark, till operator at Morrisons, sales person, colour analyst and teacher.
OK here we go: I have been a paper boy, a sandwich board boy, a bakers assistant, a painter and decorator, a plumbers assistant, a worker in a cardboard factory and I worked for the Glaxo pharmaceutical factory in Barnard Castle. The last one was the best job, Glaxo were a great firm to work for.
Before I started working in the civil service I worked on the check-outs at Morrisons on North Road. I was also in the Territorial Army for 6 years and I have done bar work and waited on tables to make extra money when I was broke!
I started out working at Triumph the bra manufacturers in Swindon design department, then moved back to Darlington – worked for Jarvis at Railway Station that was a great job and then did a Primary PGCE at the High Force SCITT and became a teacher. I also had part-time jobs at the Arts Centre and Theatre Booking Office which was great, however I can’t work for a Darlington Borough Council Department as a town councillor. While I was at school I was a Saturday Girl in a florist, worked at the petrol station on the Elm Ridge roundabout this was fab, 22 and while at university in Huddersfield I worked in a clothes shop in Victorian Arcade, Leeds.
Worked for British Rail all around the region on computers since 1974.
Worked in a Parcel Office, Telegraph Office, Booking Office and putting up wages
before people got paid by BACCS. Have worked in my friends pub. I have been a magistrate for 20 years.
School Governor for 20 years and a councillor for 14 years.
That is a good question. Let me see if I remember all of them. Waitress, Barmaid, factory worker, admin assistant, admin officer, buyer for a govermnet department, contract manager, purchase ledger clark, till operator at Morrisons, sales person, colour analyst and teacher.
OK here we go: I have been a paper boy, a sandwich board boy, a bakers assistant, a painter and decorator, a plumbers assistant, a worker in a cardboard factory and I worked for the Glaxo pharmaceutical factory in Barnard Castle. The last one was the best job, Glaxo were a great firm to work for.
Before I started working in the civil service I worked on the check-outs at Morrisons on North Road. I was also in the Territorial Army for 6 years and I have done bar work and waited on tables to make extra money when I was broke!
I used to teach at Darlington College – the Technical college as it was then. I taught for years at Huumersknott (English and Social Studies)
I started out working at Triumph the bra manufacturers in Swindon design department, then moved back to Darlington – worked for Jarvis at Railway Station that was a great job and then did a Primary PGCE at the High Force SCITT and became a teacher. I also had part-time jobs at the Arts Centre and Theatre Booking Office which was great, however I can’t work for a Darlington Borough Council Department as a town councillor. While I was at school I was a Saturday Girl in a florist, worked at the petrol station on the Elm Ridge roundabout this was fab, 22 and while at university in Huddersfield I worked in a clothes shop in Victorian Arcade, Leeds.