Question: My friend in Derby has a Card that get her discount at some of the main stores, like new look and HMV. I was wondering if you think this would be a good thing for kids in Darlington and if you got elected you would push this idea forward ????
Asked by imyhoppy to Alex, Anne-M, Dot, Joe, Kate, Lee on 5 Oct 2010 in Categories: Youth issues.
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Lee Vasey answered on 5 Oct 2010:
I have always said that loyalty cards are very valuable. Smart cards are available for use now giving discounts.
I am sure that HMV in Darlington do have those kind of cards and yes it is a very good idea?
Alex Nicholson answered on 5 Oct 2010:
I don’t understand university students and 6th formers get these deals, where as school students don’t – it annoyed me when I was at school. I think it would be good if all Darlington School had a ‘town’ discount card worked with local and national stores to negotiate discount deals and offers. There are already various offer cards in Darlington – Dine and Unique, I will ask the question to the people who desgned these ones to see if they could create a student card too.
Anne-Marie Curry answered on 5 Oct 2010:
I think having a card that would give discount to young people would be good. I think there would be a need to negotiate with the main shops in Darlington to see if they woud sign up to it. If I won I would be prepared to try this for you.