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Darlington Borough Council

Question: Hello Lee. What is your job in the council party? If people asked you to change things where we live eg: park shops more to do, what you take action to change? Middleton st george has a rubbish park and every club is invaded :( help :( Write back thankyoou Byeeee :)

Asked by sophieee to Lee on 5 Oct 2010 in Categories: .

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  • Photo: Lee VaseyLee Vasey answered on 5 Oct 2010:

    Hi Sophie I am sorry that you are invaded. Doris who is your ward councillor (and won last year)
    tries very hard to make sure MSG is well looked after. I am sorry that there is not enough shops
    and stuff. Have you tried to come in to town? Rural areas tend to be very quiet and are very community
    based. I used to live in Hurworth and the community centre there was very busy.



  • Photo: sophieeesophieee commented on 7 Oct 2010:

    I know dorris tries. Its not quiet, people walk on the streets all night and shout, because theres nothing todo so they drink! i have twin 5 year old brothers and they wake up in the night and its NOT fair.


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