Question: Hello Lee. How do you feel about childrens education and do you think it can be improved? If so how can it?
Asked by rebeccaparkinson1 to Lee on 5 Oct 2010 in Categories: Education.
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Hi Rebecca,
I would make sure that the buildings that are schools are fit for purpose. Leaking roofs are not a good environment for learning or teaching. I know that there is a problem in schools with discipline and I think it is wrong when a minority of children end up getting the rest of the class in trouble. How can it be right that those who really want to learn are being sabotaged by those who quite plainly don’t. I think the ethic towards learning needs looking at. Inspiring children to listen and learn is a very hard task. Being bored is an aspect in todays society that involves all ages. Is there another way to teach perhaps? Are lessons too long and is it not right that we learn better when it is subjects that we like or even teachers who inspire more. It could be that apart from core subjects that interact with each other (like english because we need to read, write and spell to do history, geography and even maths and science) there should be more of a choice what we choose to learn at a younger age. After all a varied education is better than none.